14th May 2020

A number of staff in our Promoting Wellbeing team have transformed their way of working to support the NI Covid19 Community Helpline for older people and those with underlying health conditions who have been advised by their GP to ‘shield’ during the Covid19 pandemic.
Those calling the Community Helpline from the Southern area are assisted by call handlers in the Promoting Wellbeing Division who offer advice on how to access essential services and supplies such as food, medicines, fuel and guidance on looking after physical and mental health and wellbeing.
The Helpline which started on 6 April, operates 7 days a week and involves close partnership working between the Department for Communities, Advice NI, local councils, HSC Trusts and the community and voluntary sector providing support for those in hardship. To date, call handlers have responded to over 1800 calls and emails from people across the SHSCT area.
Others who are isolated at home, with little or no family support, have greatly welcomed the opportunity to be referred onto ‘Good Morning Call’ scheme where they receive a telephone call from a trained volunteer each morning.
Staff have transformed their way of working in a very short space of time to achieve the best outcomes for those in greatest need. The drive, resilience and resolve that the teams have displayed in establishing and providing this service has been a real demonstration of collective leadership.
Those ‘shielding’ can call the Regional Covid19 Freephone Helpline on 0808 802 0020 (Monday to Sunday between 9am-5pm) or Email: covid19@adviceni.net for support. For internal referral to the Trust’s Covid19 Social support service CYP and MHD teams should use the internal referral form provided and OPPC and Acute teams contact the Access and Information Service on Tel: 028 3756 4300 (Monday to Sunday between 9am-5pm) Email: access.information@southerntrust.hscni.net