16th June 2022

To mark World Elder Abuse Day (Wednesday15th June), the Southern Local Adult Safeguarding Partnership is pledging to protect older people across our local community.
Older people have the right to freedom, respect, equality, dignity and deserve to be protected.
World Elder Abuse Day represents the world coming together to voice their opposition to the abuse and suffering inflicted to some of our older generations.
The Partnership is a group of statutory, independent, community and voluntary sector organisations who work together to raise awareness of and support all adults who have experienced abuse, exploitation or neglect.
Adult abuse can take various forms – it could be neglect, physical, sexual, emotional or financial. It can happen anywhere the person lives or visits and very often the abuser will be well known to their victim.
For the third year now, due to social distancing, rather than coming together, partner organisations each have remotely made a commitment, by signing the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse Declaration.
Signing the declaration on behalf of the Southern Health and Social Care Trust Chair, Eileen Mullan said:
“Older people have made a valuable contribution to our local communities and deserve to be respected and protected by us all. The past few years have been very difficult for many people, particularly the most vulnerable in our society, leading to isolation and loneliness, potentially leaving them at greater risk of exploitation.
“As health and social care providers we urge anyone who may be in contact with older people through work or through your local community to please check in on them and be observant. If you are worried about signs of possible abuse or neglect, please get in touch with our Adult Protection Team who can help.”
The Southern Trust Adult Protection Team is available for advice and support:
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm Tel: 028 3756 4423
Evenings, Weekends and Bank Holidays Tel: 028 95049999
Email: adultsafeguard.team@southerntrust.hscni.net
Watch here for more from the Southern Local Adult Safeguarding Partnership