27th March 2024

The Southern Health and Social Care Trust is hosting a special service of remembrance for patients, clients and staff who have died.
The event will take place on Sunday 14th April at 3.00pm in Seagoe Parish Centre, Portadown.
Organised by the Chaplaincy Team, Human Resources and Bereavement Coordinator, the event aims to give people the chance to reflect and remember patients, colleagues and loved ones.
Laura Creaney, Bereavement Co-ordinator for the Southern Trust explained:
“What gives us meaning in life is our relationship with others. When a person dies the relationship changes, but does not end. Remembering is an important aspect of grieving, and the annual service provides a safe place where families and staff can come together to reflect on those who were so important in their lives”
“We warmly invite relatives, carers and friends of our patients and colleagues who have died to join us in this service of remembrance. As a tribute to patients and staff, the service will include a time of reflection and you may wish to bring a flower to create a floral tribute.”
For any other information, please contact Laura Creaney, Bereavement Co-ordinator Tel: 028 3756 0085; email: laura.creaney@southerntrust.hscni.net
Venue Address: Seagoe Parish Centre, 46 Seagoe Road, Portadown, BT63 5HW