Welcome to Maternity Services in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust
As soon as you have a positive pregnancy test you can now refer yourself directly for maternity care via your midwife Self Referral Form Maternity Care.
Becoming a parent is an amazing and exciting experience and our dedicated purpose is to provide you with the highest standard of maternity care and support.
We support over 5,000 expectant mothers and in a typical year deliver 5,100 babies, who come to us from across the Armagh, Dungannon, Banbridge, Craigavon, Newry and Mourne areas.
We offer a friendly, supportive and safe service for women and families and a range of maternity care services in hospital, community and home settings during your important transition to family life.
Our goal is for you to feel informed and empowered during your pregnancy, labour, birth and postnatal period so your experience is the very best it can be. Our job is to provide you with all of the information you need to make the right decisions for yourself and your care. Whilst keeping you safe, we appreciate and value the importance of your experience.
This short video will introduce you to our maternity services, throughout the community and from our 2 Acute Hospitals – Daisy Hill and Craigavon Area Hospital and it will give you an idea of what to expect.
In order to ensure safety of all patients and staff, access to the doors of the maternity block are locked from 8pm to 8am every evening. This means that the only access to the hospital between these hours is via the main entrance beside Emergency Department. All other access points within the hospital will be locked. Maternity department is signposted from the main foyer of the hospital.
In the event you are travelling by car and you are bleeding heavy or you think your baby is going to be born imminently please phone the midwife in maternity assessment unit on 028 375 61830 and every effort will be made to meet you at the main entrance
Maternity Service Contacts & Useful Resources
During these challenging times we have provided a list of useful contacts below should you need to contact our service. Other helpful resources are included; all of which can be accessed freely on-line in order to help keep you informed on various aspects of your care and pregnancy.Craigavon Maternity Unit | Antenatal outpatients/ reception | 028 3756 1810 | |
Assessment Unit | 028 3756 1830 | ||
Ultrasound (20 week scan) | 028 3756 3798 | ||
Early Problem Pregnancy Clinic (EPPC) | 028 3756 0293 | ||
Daisy Hill Maternity Unit | Antenatal outpatients/ reception | 028 3756 2034 | |
Assessment Unit | 028 3756 2730 | ||
Ultrasound (20 week scan) (For Early Problem Pregnancy contact antenatal outpatient) | 028 3756 2424 | ||
Early Problem Pregnancy Clinic (EPPC) | |||
Community Midwifery Teams | Telephone | Emails (note emails can be used as a non-urgent service) | |
Armagh | 077 1067 4115 | Armagh.Midwives@southerntrust.hscni.net | |
Banbridge | 028 4062 3306 | Banbridge.Midwives@southerntrust.hscni.net | |
Brownlow (Portadown / Lurgan / Craigavon) | 028 3756 2188 | Brownlow.Midwives@southerntrust.hscni.net | |
Dungannon / South Tyrone area | 028 3756 5537 | Dungannon.Midwives@southerntrust.hscni.net | |
Newry | 028 3756 2094 | Newry.Midwives@southerntrust.hscni.net | |
Kilkeel | 028 3756 7839 | Kilkeel.Midwives@southerntrust.hscni.net | |
Crossmaglen | 028 3086 0675 | Newry.Midwives@southerntrust.hscni.net | |
SHSCT Covid-19 & Pregnancy Helpline (Mon/Wed/Fri 9am - 5pm) | 028 3756 3702 | maternity.helpline@southerntrust.hscni.net | |
Antenatal Education Coordinator | CAH – 028 3756 1708 | G.ready4babyclasses@southerntrust.hscni.net | |
Breastfeeding Specialist Midwife: | CAH - 028 3756 1326 | DHH - 028 3756 3137 | |
Health Visiting Infant Feeding Helpline birth – 9mths (Mon - Fri 6pm - 9pm) | 07342065152 | ||
Bereavement/Debriefing Midwifery Service | 028 3756 2150 | ||
Domestic Violence Helpline 24/7 - confidential and free | 080 8802 1414 | ||
Women's Aid for Newry, Mourne and Down | 028 3025 8704 | ||
Women's Aid for Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon | 028 3839 7974 | ||
HE Emergency Contingency arrangements Homelessness line | 034 4892 0908 | ||
Gateway Social Services | 028 3756 7100 | Freephone from landline 080 0783 7745 |