5th February 2025

L-R: Dr Julie-Anna Rankin (Sim Lead), Ms Liz Ensor (Non-Executive Director), Dr Stephen Austin (Medical Director), Laura Kerr (Simulation Technician), Dr Cedar Andress (ADEPT Fellow) at the official opening of the Simulation Suite in Craigavon Area Hospital
A state-of-the-art simulation suite has opened in Craigavon Area Hospital.
This innovative facility has been designed to enhance medical training and improve patient care by providing immersive, hands-on learning experience.
The suite, based in the Medical Education Centre, will be for the use of NIMDTA (Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency) medical staff from all specialities at all grades, Southern Trust Academy of International Medics and undergraduate medical students from Queens University Belfast and the University of Ulster.
The unit features a high-fidelity patient simulator that is designed to replicate a wide range of complex medical scenarios and offers a level of realism that closely mirrors clinical practice, enabling learners to develop advanced clinical skills.
It is equipped with a camera, microphones, control room and debrief room all which will facilitate enhanced learning and professional development through formalised debrief and reflective discussion.
Speaking at the official launch, Dr Julie-Anna Rankin, Trust Simulation Lead and Emergency Medicine Consultant explained:
“This suite represents a significant step forward in medical education, allowing staff to practice real-world scenarios in a safe and controlled environment, ultimately benefiting patient outcomes.
“The Southern Trust has a proud simulation legacy, having been only the fourth simulation centre established in the UK back in 2001 and it is wonderful to see high quality simulation-based education and training being delivered to our staff once again. Our work has been presented at an international level conferences including the Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPIH) and Society for simulation in Europe (SESAM).”
Dr Stephen Austin, Medical Director added:
“We are thrilled to launch our new simulation suite, and this will be a transformative resource for the Southern Trust, offering amazing opportunities for learning and development as well as driving innovation.
“There has been valuable input from our simulation team and from our colleagues Drs Michael Morrow and Jeff Brown along with medical education staff to ensure we have a high-quality environment. As well as the benefits this brings to our clinical team’s knowledge and skills, this provision will ultimately lead to better service user experience. “
Also in attendance at the launch event were Ms Liz Ensor, Non-Executive Director; Dr Darrell Lowry, Director for Medical Education, Simon Gibson, Assistant Director for Medical Education and Workforce; ADEPT Fellow, Dr Cedar Andress, Dr Nicola Weatherup, NIMDTA Simulation Lead and Simulation Technician, Laura Kerr.

L-R: Kelly Wylie (Medical Education Manager), Dr Stephen Austin (Medical Director), Dr Darrell Lowry (Director for Medical Education), Simon Gibson Assistant Director for Medical Education and Workforce), Liz Ensor (Non-Executive Director), Dr Julie-Anna Rankin (Sim Lead), Laura Kerr (Simulation Technician) with the high-fidelity simulation mannequin, SimMan 3G in Craigavon Area Hospital’s newly opened Simulation Suite