25th June 2024

Two teams within the Southern Health and Social Care Trust have been shortlisted in two categories in the prestigious HSJ Patient Safety Awards.
The Emergency Department (ED) at Craigavon Area Hospital have been shortlisted for their ‘HOP’ing’ towards improvement (Hydration, Observation, Pressure area) initiative in the ‘Urgent and emergency care safety initiative of the year’ whilst the Windsor Day Centre team in Newry have been shortlisted in the ‘Learning Disabilities initiative of the year’ for developing a bespoke day care service in a stand-alone building within the grounds of the day centre.
The awards recognise safety, culture and positive experience in patient care, celebrating its worthy finalists on a national scale.
Sister Lisa Frazer, Ward Manager, said HOP was introduced as a nurse led, quality improvement initiative to improve patient care despite the ongoing challenges within a busy, acute emergency department.
“Since starting this project in January, there has been a decrease in the number of pressure ulcers and by simply giving our patients a drink and ensuring the safety of patients by checking clinical observations, improves patient safety and comfort and there has been the potential to shorten the length of stay a patient is admitted for and decrease the financial burden this costs the NHS. This in return also benefits ED and increases the flow of patients out of ED and into the hospital system or be safely discharged.”
Trudy Reid, Director of Medicine and Unscheduled Care, said that the teams have also rolled this out to the Trust’s other emergency department at Daisy Hill Hospital.
“The work that has gone into developing this by our ED team shows their resilience and dedication in improving patient care and outcomes and how our frontline staff want to implement effective patient centred care and interventions during ongoing long waits.”
Geraldine Carragher, Day Service Manager explained how The Windsor Day Centre Bespoke Bungalow Project is helping to improve patient safety.
“The team collaborated closely with families to develop a bespoke day care service in a stand-alone bungalow with secure outdoor space to improve quality of life, safety and lived experience for service users with learning disability who present with significant behaviours that challenge.
“Prior to the development of this project, service users with complex behavioural presentations could experience delayed access to day care provision on leaving school due to the non-availability of bespoke day care accommodation.
“We are delighted that this bespoke bungalow is informing future planning as a template for similar developments in other day care facilities for bespoke placements for adults with a learning disability in the Trust who present with severe and enduring behaviours of concern.”
Jan McGall, Director of Mental Health and Disability praised the teams for their commitment to fostering innovation and developing of a safe, quality service.
“The bungalow project, almost a year after its inception, is seen as a resource hub, able to provide case studies and emerging models of best practice that could support flexible and creative commissioning for future day care bespoke projects.”
Dr Maria O’Kane, Chief Executive congratulated the teams for continually striving to deliver improved patient care.
“It’s well known within our sector that the HSJ awards programme is a high profile and hugely respected platform to showcase the work and achievements of the many healthcare professionals who enter, and we’re delighted to have been recognised on this prestigious shortlist for a 2024 Patient Safety Award.”
Winners will be announced during the awards ceremony at Manchester Central, on September 16th 2024.