17th February 2025

The Stroke Unit at Craigavon Area Hospital has received a generous donation of equipment worth in excess of £8000 from the Auto-Test Drivers Club.
The unit was selected as a recipient following club member Norman Ferguson’s treatment in the unit last year after he suffered a stroke. Norman has since made a recovery and as a thank you they have donated equipment to help treat patients.
The donation included personal care products to help those in need, two iPads for communication, a display cabinet to display models of brains to show what happens during stroke, equipment to help with therapy and stroke information books.
Each year the club hosts a number of charity events raising money for selected causes, we would like to say thank you to Norman and the whole Auto-Test Drivers Club for thinking of the Stroke Unit.
Stroke is a serious life-threatening medical emergency. Urgent assessment of all stroke patients is vital to make sure they get the right care in the right place.
All patients who suspect they’re suffering from a stroke should attend Craigavon Area Hospital in the first instance to be assessed by the specialist team.
Always phone 999 with stroke symptoms.
The FAST acronym (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) is a test to quickly identify the three most common signs of stroke.
- Face weakness: Can the person smile? Has their mouth or eye drooped?
- Arm weakness: Can the person raise both arms fully and keep them there?
- Speech problems: Can the person speak clearly and understand what you say? Is their speech slurred?
- Time to call 999: if you see any one of these signs.
Please remember, anyone who suspects they’re suffering from an acute stroke should attend Craigavon Area Hospital in the first instance.