23rd June 2022

This week is Pulmonary Rehabilitation week.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation is aimed at people with lung conditions whose ability to be active is affected by breathing difficulties.
A Post COVID-19 Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme started in the Southern Trust in April this year.
It consists of a tailored made exercise programme along with providing information on looking after your body and lungs and managing your condition and symptoms.
The programme runs over ten weeks, including an hour of exercise and an hour of education a week for eight weeks, with a week of assessment at the beginning and end.
The rehabilitation is held in Armagh on Wednesday mornings and Newry on Monday mornings, run by run by a Clinical Nurse specialist and a Specialist Respiratory Physiotherapist.
The Education Sessions are delivered by guest speakers from a range of disciplines and address conditions and symptoms associated with Post Covid Syndrome such as fatigue, dysfunctional breathing, anxiety and others.
These sessions offer advice on how to manage, improve or treat the symptoms.
The Post Covid Rehabilitation Service has worked collaboratively with other agencies and stakeholders to establish an appropriate pathway for onward referral following completion of the ten week programme.
Discussing the service on Pulmonary Rehabilitation week, Brian Beattie Interim Director of Older People and Primary Care said: “Many people following a Covid-19 infection, are finding long-term breathing problems that have an impact on their daily life.
“Pulmonary Rehabilitation allows those involved in the programme to learn how to exercise safely and at the right level for them.
“Being active has both physical and mental benefits. It improves your fitness, makes you stronger and helps you manage health conditions.
“Physical activity helps you take back control, be more independent and can help you live well for longer.
“Many patients report visiting their GP and nurses less often after Pulmonary Rehabilitation.”
Speak with your GP, practice nurse, hospital respiratory consultant or your local respiratory team if you are interested in being referred and to check if you would be suitable for a local programme.