3rd June 2020
The HealthRoster Team has risen to the challenge of COVID-19 by adapting and working alongside colleagues in the acute and acute mental health services to provide as much support as possible to frontline staff responsible for managing nursing and midwifery rosters in this ever changing environment.
The rapid changes to acute and mental health services has been unprecedented, reflected in the closing of services, starting of new services, planning for potential opening of new wards, redeployment of existing nursing and midwifery staff, redeployment of student nurses as part of the workforce and redeployment of International Nurse Recruits who have joined the Emergency Nurse Register to assist in the fight against COVID-19.
The HealthRoster Team have facilitated system changes to assist in the smooth management of the transition. They have adjusted rosters to reflect changes in ward type, set up new rosters for additional services, such as the PPE Village and Testing PODs, and set up rosters for wards that could be potentially opened at short notice. They have created new accounts and shifts for our new Band 3 and 4 Students Nurses and new Band 5 International Nurse Recruits who have joined the Emergency Register. The team have also set up systems to ensure that nurses and midwives who have been redeployed have not been financially disadvantaged due to COVID-19 in line with HSC guidance.
Risk assessments have been carried out and additional nurses and midwives trained in the use of HealthRoster in the event of increased absences as a result COVID 19. Guidance documents and video clips have been developed to communicate changes and help new staff navigate HealthRoster. The team have worked flexibly during this time and covered bank holidays to be available to answer any queries.
The HealthRoster Team have also worked closely with Human Resources, Payroll and HRPTS in relation to reporting of COVID-19 absences on HealthRoster. Daily COVID-19 absence reports are sent to HR for uploading onto HRPTS. The team have also provided daily workforce reports for the Acute Senior Management Team and Executive Director of Nursing and Midwifery and provided ad hoc reports required for informed decision making in relation to staffing and PPE requirements.