19th October 2020

Daisy Hill Hospital’s Emergency Department has now reopened on a 24/7 basis, all patients needing immediate acute care should go to the main ED entrance.
All adults attending Craigavon Hospital for emergency care should go to the main ED. Children should be brought to Paediatric ED beside maternity. Non Respiratory ED at the Ramone building is now closed.
Paying tribute to staff who have returned to Daisy Hill, Director of Acute Services for the Southern Trust Melanie McClements said:
“We sincerely thank our Emergency Department and Direct Assessment Unit teams from Daisy Hill and indeed all those other staff who moved to work alongside their Craigavon colleagues in response to the first surge of this pandemic.
“There has been a real team effort by staff throughout Daisy Hill to get the hospital ready for the return of the ED, from estates and support services, to other departments which have reorganised to accommodate medical beds.
“With cases of COVID-19 rising in our community and more patients being admitted to hospital, recent weeks have been a stark reminder of the challenges that we have always highlighted in trying to rebuild our services.
“While we are delighted that Daisy Hill’s ED is reopened, with continued demands on our services and the growing threat of COVID-19 putting pressures on our workforce, this is a worrying time.
“We pay tribute to all of our staff for their determination and dedication to their patients and appeal to everyone to please help us to protect services for those who need them most by following our guidance and only coming to our emergency departments with acute urgent symptoms.”
When coming to the Emergency Department:
Please only come to the Emergency Department with acute urgent symptoms – could you speak to your GP or community pharmacist first?
- Come alone if you can
- Wear a face covering
- Sanitise your hands
- Keep your distance
- Please follow the signage and staff guidance at all times