29th February 2024

A nurse in the Southern Trust has been shortlisted for a top award.
Edith Donnelly, an Advanced Nurse Practitioner within the Heart Failure team, is the only nurse from Northern Ireland nominated in the Irish Nurses Cardiovascular Association (INCA) Cardiovascular Nurse Excellence Awards.
Edith is one of eight people shortlisted and was nominated by colleagues Claire McGrady and Carol Patton.
She was worked within the heart failure team for over 16 years.
Edith said:
“It has been an honour to be nominated and shortlisted. It was very thoughtful of Claire and Carol to think of me.”
Dr Patricia Campbell, Clinical Lead for the Heart Failure Service added:
“It’s fantastic to see one of our committed, compassionate colleagues be recognised in this way. We’re very proud to have people like Edith in our organisation.”
Neal Tohani, Head of Cardiology said:
“Edith’s continued commitment to the heart failure team and the way that she strives for the best possible outcomes for our service users, makes her an inspiration to all of her nursing colleagues.”
The winner will be announced at the INCA Annual Scientific Meeting on March 02, so good luck to Edith!