11th September 2020

The Southern Health and Social Care Trust is temporarily suspending visiting on all sites and facilities from 6pm on Friday (11th September).
Only end of life visits and birthing partners will be permitted. This is to protect visitors, patients and staff given the increased level of COVID-19 currently circulating in this area.
We are encouraging virtual visits for example through personal smart phone technology or relatives who need help with this can call our Virtual Visiting co-ordinator between 9am and 5pm on 077 7651 6419 to set this up with their loved on.
New Arrangements:
In end-of-life, the following will apply:
- Only one visitor is permitted per day and for a maximum of one hour as set out by the Department of Health. When visiting you should minimise movement and only stay in the immediate area of the patient.
- Each patient/resident or their next of kin will be asked to nominate a maximum of two people to be their designated visitors for the duration of their stay.
- Visitors will wear the appropriate PPE which will be provided by the Trust facility.
- Hands must be sanitised regularly throughout their visit, especially on entering and leaving the ward and hospital/facility.
- Children under 16 years are not permitted to visit unless there are exceptional circumstances and it has been agreed by the Nurse in Charge.
- Virtual visiting remains the preference.
- Anyone who is shielding or self-isolating must not visit.
For maternity, the following will apply:
- Birthing partners are only allowed to accompany the woman to the dating scan, anomaly scan and for induction of labour for the beginning of the process (approximately one hour), labour and birth.
- A face mask must be worn by birthing partners at all times.
- There will be no visiting to the ante-natal or post-natal wards.
- If the birthing partner has COVID symptoms or they have been told to self-isolate, they should not be attending hospital for the above scans or labour and birth.
- Hands must be sanitised regularly throughout their visit, especially on entering and leaving the ward and hospital/facility.
The Trust wishes to thank the public for their co-operation and support during the COVID-19 pandemic.
*Please visit southerntrust.hscni.net for full visiting information and guidance.