10th July 2020

The Southern Health and Social Care Trust has set out the new visiting arrangements following the announcement by Health Minister, Robin Swann, that changes to visiting across all care settings would come into place from Monday 6 July.
The revised arrangements support people to visit their loved ones in hospitals and care homes, while balancing the ongoing risk from Covid-19.
New Arrangements:
- Virtual visiting remains the preference and no-one feeling unwell or with symptoms of COVID-19 should visit. All HSC sites have access to free Wi-Fi and our staff will help set this up on the patient’s device. Please be patient as our staff will have to prioritise clinical work and patient care.
- Patients or next of kin can nominate two people who are permitted to visit them. Only one visitor is permitted at a time and for a maximum of one hour as set out by the Department of Health. Children under 16 years are not permitted to visit unless there are exceptional circumstances and it has been agreed by the Nurse in Charge.
- Visitors, and those attending appointments, are asked to bring their own face covering and to wear it at all times. No access will be permitted without a face covering.
- Visiting arrangements for maternity services have changed. Partners, or a nominated other, can now attend Early Pregnancy, booking, 20-week scans, labour and birth.*
- Use the hand sanitiser provided before and after entering both the Hospital and the Ward/Department.
*Please visit southerntrust.hscni.net for full visiting information and guidance.
Restaurants will remain closed to the public given the short duration of visits and to assist in maintaining social distancing.
The Trust wishes to thank the public for their co-operation and support during the COVID-19 pandemic.