2nd October 2020

Craigavon Area Hospital
Haematology Ward
The total number of patients connected to the Haematology Ward at Craigavon Area Hospital who have tested positive remains at 14. As previously reported, sadly six patients who had a positive diagnosis of Covid19 have passed away.
Twenty-three members of staff have tested positive.
150 staff have now been tested.
Forty five staff were off self–isolating – 24 have now returned to work.
Daisy Hill Hospital
Male Medical Ward
The total number of patients connected to the Male Medical Ward at Daisy Hill Hospital who have tested positive remains at 13. Sadly, a further patient connected to the ward, and who had a positive test for Covid19, has passed away. This brings the total of patients connected to the ward who have passed away to six.
Twenty-eight staff have tested positive.
There are 28 staff contacts currently off and self-isolating.
341 staff have been tested.
A Trust spokesperson said: “We again express our profound sorrow to the family of the patient who has passed away. We can confirm that the independent Serious Adverse Incident review is currently underway and all deaths will be included as part of this process.”