23rd June 2021

A new project aimed at supporting the health and wellbeing and professional development needs of Southern Trust staff and students has been launched.
‘Wellbeing @ the Library’ was developed by the Promoting Wellbeing team in partnership with staff in the Health Care Library and with the support of the Trust’s Psychology Department.
It aims to encourage staff and placement students to use the library as a place to take time out, relax and help to improve their own wellbeing,
The project has involved new art work for the library, and the installation of a range of new books on wellbeing topics like anxiety, long term conditions, sleep, compassion, wellbeing, happiness and positive psychology.
Three large noticeboards will share staff health and wellbeing information and there are relaxing art kids for staff to use in the library or take home.
Nina Daly, Project Lead said: “We are really excited about the launch of this project which will support the health and wellbeing of our staff and students. This project was a great opportunity to enhance the already great service that the library provides. Together we selected books that reflect the ongoing health needs of our staff and have introduced topics from new and emerging fields in the area of positive psychology, mindfulness and many others which will inform and support staff’s psychological and emotional health – an area that is so important at this time.
“The Wellbeing @ the Library project aligns with our Trust values of excellence and working together. Among the new collection of books are several titles on compassion – another of our Trust values.
“We hope that staff and students will make good use of the books/e-book titles and that the art kits will offer an experience that is restful, relaxing, calming. The arts can play an important role for our staff both personally and professionally by being an outlet for creativity, self-expression as well as developing hand to eye coordination and other fine motor skills.
Melanie McClements, Director of Acute Services, was delighted to see these new resources being launched.
“My fundamental belief is that we need to promote self-care and look after our friends, families and colleagues so that we have the resilience to deliver health and social care of the highest quality to our population.
“During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have navigated through a very difficult 18 month period and it is with the help of projects just like this, encouraging us to take time, to take a step back and use the various resources available to protect and maintain both our physical and psychological health and wellbeing.
“We all need some help at some stage and being able to come to the Library and have the opportunity to lift a book (which is therapeutic in its own right) and find some support through the varied range of topics, for us and our patients. One size doesn’t fit all, so this project adds to the range of resources already in place including one to one support, team events, support from our psychology team to name but a few. I urge you to take time for you, look after yourself and have a wellbeing plan just for you….. Remember Take 5!”
Any member of staff can sign up to join the library visit: https://healthcarelibrary.qub.ac.uk/ or by visiting Sharepoint.