11th January 2024

A new initiative which sees the same midwives providing care to mums throughout their pregnancy journey has welcomed their 100th baby.
The significant milestone for the Continuity of Midwifery Carer (CoMC) team in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust took place at the end of last year with the arrival of baby Darragh on 23 December.
The CoMC model has proven to be a welcome addition to the Trust as it provides women with care from the same midwife or small team of midwives before, during and after their baby’s birth. This means women will always have a midwife who they know and trust, rather than seeing a different face every appointment.
Baby Darragh’s mum Courtney and dad Ciaran had great praise for this new way of maternity care.
“I would like to say a huge thanks my named midwife Sarah McFarland for everything she did during my pregnancy and also to Rachel Graham who was also present at the labour. I will definitely be recommending the CoMC team to anyone I know. The support really has been amazing compared to my previous pregnancies where I had not been guaranteed of knowing my midwives throughout my journey.”
Maria Garvey, Lead Midwife for the CoMC said that it has been an amazing nine months.
“We launched our first continuity team – Team Emerald for mums in the Portadown, Lurgan and Craigavon areas – back in April last year.
“During this time our small team of eight midwives and one maternity support worker have cared for over 100 families and a further 118 are currently on the team.
“Having the same team of midwives caring for them throughout pregnancy, labour, birth and post birth has meant that they have been able to build a trusting relationship which in turn gives them the confidence to not only share any anxieties and insecurities they may have but also their positive experiences.
“We are delighted to have had 48 stories shared on Care Opinion (a place where you can share your experience of health or care services) and 100% of those who rated the service, would recommend the service.”
Wendy Clarke, Assistant Director for Integrated Maternity and Women’s Health, said:
“It is clear that this new model of care where women know the midwife who is caring for them throughout their pregnancy journey has had a positive impact on improving safety, clinical outcomes, as well as a better birth experience.
“Knowing your midwife has made a big difference to the overall experience of pregnancy and it is great news for both expectant mums and for our midwives that this is being rolled out in the Newry area later this year.”