...Antenatal Education topics traditionally included in these types of sessions, strongly underpinned by the ethos of the Solihull Approach. The session content is divided into four classes, covering...
...up and deliver these much needed classes via Zoom. “One of the main ways we prepare parents-to-be for their new baby is through parenting and antenatal classes,” says...
...Once Twice More than twice Every appointment Did you go to antenatal classes? How useful the classes were for you Not applicable Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very...
The Southern Health and Social Care Trust has teamed up with the Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC) to host a masterclass for international nurse colleagues. Over the past number...
...benefit from this invaluable provision. “When Covid-19 hit, Roots of Empathy innovated from an experiential programme with a baby on a green blanket in a classroom, to a...
The Southern Trust and RoSPA have teamed up to help prevent falls in older people. The ‘Stay Steady’ classes focus on strengthening your legs to make day-to-day life...
This week is Lymphoedema Awareness Week! The Healthy Legs Class, available to people across the Southern Health and Social Care Trust area, aims to help improve leg health...
...Participants benefitted from a wide range of classes and activities including physical activity classes, online cookery classes, mindfulness, life coaching, online book clubs, creative writing classes, art and...
The Informatics Division are all really going the extra mile at the moment, as they have a strong desire to support front line staff at this time. Before...
...a short distance off the A1 and again offers a wide range of services similar to the Craigavon site. The Acute Services Directorate is split into three Divisions...
The Southern Trust is running a number of free Stress Control classes over the course of the next four months. If you are currently suffering from stress, know...
...workshops, whole class and small group programmes. RISE supports a small number of children at the specialist level. Specialist support is for children with persistent needs, who haven’t...
...Promoting Wellbeing Division who offer advice on how to access essential services and supplies such as food, medicines, fuel and guidance on looking after physical and mental health...
The population within the Southern Health and Social Care Trust is more ethnically and culturally diverse than ever before. In order to ensure that our services are accessible...
Contact us Find out how we can work with you to improve health and wellbeing across the Southern Trust area. PWB Division – Staff Team Directory OR get...
Equality Scheme This is a statement of the Trust’s commitment to meeting its statutory duties under Section 75 of the NI Act 1998, setting out how it is...