A nurse within the Southern Trust who is the longest serving...
The Southern Health and Social Care Trust are delighted that eight...
The Southern Health and Social Care Trust’s Autism Service teamed...
Front row: Aine Morrison, Marita Magennis, Colin Turbett, Rosemary Moreland,...
A Southern Trust facility in Dungannon has had a complete refurbishment...
Nursing and pharmacy staff from the Rheumatology team in the Southern...
Service users in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust have...
The next Harm Reduction Café will take place on Friday, May...
The Southern Trust organised a Children’s and Young People’s bereavement workshop...
The Southern Health and Social Care Trust is reshaping the way...
Those living with a cancer diagnosis are being encouraged to put...
Vote for Mary here A Southern Health and Social Care Trust...
A re-launched initiative in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust...
Almost 100 people have attended an event dedicated to educating families...