The Trust’s Promoting Wellbeing Division leads the delivery of health improvement initiatives and services to support people to live longer, healthier, active lives. This includes work to encourage healthier lifestyle choices as well as addressing wider underlying issues that influence health and wellbeing.
Click each topic for more information:
Alcohol, Drugs and Gambling
Arts for Health
Cancer Prevention and Support
Children, Young People and Parenting
Diabetes Prevention Programme
Fit 4 U and Fit 4 U 2
Home Accident Prevention
Healthy Eating
Men’s Health
Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
Physical Activity
Sexual Health
Sleep Well
Stop Smoking Services
Workplace Health and Wellbeing
Click HERE to view a leaflet on Health Improvement Services
Can’t find what you are looking for? Please get in touch and let us know what further information or resources you would like to access on this website.