“I found this group very helpful in helping me understand that low mood is something that I’m not to be embarrassed by and how to help with it in my daily life”
Who we are? 
Steps to Wellness is a service suitable for anyone with mild to moderate mental health difficulties including, but not limited to depression, anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Health Anxiety, Panic Disorder and Perinatal low mood. We offer time limited interventions to quickly give service users the skills to manage their symptoms, and to promote and build your own strength and resilience in maintaining good progress.
Following referral to our service, we will arrange a telephone assessment with you to better understand your needs and to explain our available treatments. If it is deemed that we are not the most suitable service, we will explore this further with you.
What do we offer?
Steps to Wellness interventions include a range of online digital groups packed with strategies to help with your symptoms. Following a discussion with our practitioners, the available interventions will be discussed with you to ensure we can offer the best option to suit your needs. Any concern surrounding treatment will be discussed directly with you. Our priority is to keep service users safe and comfortable in your treatment with our service.
How to refer?
We accept referrals from your GP. They can offer advice on how Steps to wellness may help you and they can refer to us on your behalf.
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Steps to Wellness is not an emergency or crisis service.
If you are in distress please contact:
Your General Practitioner/Out of hours GP 02838399201
Lifeline 0808 808 8000
Samaritans 116 123
If you or anyone else is in immediate danger or harm, call 999
Steps to wellness