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Stop Smoking

Due to Covid-19 the stop smoking service have suspended all their face to face consultations.
We are currently offering telephone and video support to help you stop
If you are interested in stopping smoking and would like support contact us on:
Telephone : 028 3756 4400

What happens at the first stop smoking session?

The stop smoking service is provided by specialist advisers who use a range of proven methods to help you quit smoking. They will support you to develop a tailored quit plan based on why you smoke and why you want to quit. They will give you accurate information and advice including details of NHS approved treatments to help you quit. They will also provide follow on support during the first few months of you stopping smoking.

You’re up to 4 times more likely to stop smoking for good if you use a combination of stop smoking treatment and receive support from a HSC  Stop Smoking Specialist .

Stop Smoking Support

The service is available by telephone or video link at a suitable time agreed with you

I’d like the Trust Stop Smoking Team to contact me please

Stop Smoking Support

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  • I'd like the Trust Smoking Cessation Team to contact me please

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Quitting smoking can make a huge improvement to your health, energy levels, life expectancy and protects your home and loved ones from harmful effects of tobacco smoke.

Stop Smoking Service Privacy Notice


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