A special event was held recently to mark the official opening...
This Infant Mental Health Awareness Week (13-19th June), the Southern Trust...
On Tuesday 24th May, 31 children from foster families...
The Southern Health and Social Care Trust is now offering a...
The recent Harm Reduction Café hosted at our beautiful St Luke’s...
Congratulations to our speech and language therapy (SLT) colleagues who had...
Chris Duffy, a young man with a learning disability has been...
The 2-day mPower Festival held at the waterfront Belfast Hilton recently...
A massive thank you to Brendan Toner who raised £270 for...
The Southern Trust’s Adult Protection Gateway Team has moved to new...
An event has taken place to celebrate the successes of young...
Children, young people, foster carers and social workers joined SKETCH (Sharing...
A massive thank you to Jenny Chambers who raised £3000 for...
Thanks to new ground breaking medicines, the Southern Trust is now...
People with an interest in addiction issues from across the Southern...
A new Physiotherapy Outpatient Department has opened on the St Luke’s...
Staff and carers have been experiencing what it is like to...
A dementia companion in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust...
Given the significance of staff absence in relation to the impact...