The Public Health Agency (PHA) and the Southern Trust is encouraging...
A ninety mile cycle by a brother and sister has raised...
The Public Health Agency (PHA), in partnership with councils in Northern...
Daisy Hill Hospital and Newry & Mourne locality are celebrating reaccreditation...
An estimated 2,766 days which people may have otherwise spent in...
Dr Maria O’Kane, Southern Trust Medical Director, has appealed to people...
Carers of adults with a disability across the Newry and Mourne...
Four people from the Southern Health and Social Care Trust area...
Around 100 social work staff who support children and families have...
We have today advised the Permanent Secretary of the DoH that...
A donation of £645 has been made to the Acute Services...
A Lurgan businesswoman has donated 10 per cent of her sales...
As part of World AIDS Day (1 December) the Public Health Agency...
The Southern Trust has hosted a Nurses Day for those working...
Both Unison and RCN have advised industrial action will take place...
Unison has advised that industrial action, short of strike, will begin...
Over 50 staff and representatives from organisations who work with people...
A YEAR-LONG long campaign to help professionals, parents and carers from...
The Southern Trust has hosted a celebratory event in recognition of...
The Southern Trust has been working with a service user with...