The Southern Health and Social Care Trust provides health and social care services across the five council areas of Armagh, Banbridge, Craigavon, Dungannon, and Newry and Mourne.
- A
- Abortion
- Addiction Services
- Adoption and Fostering
- Adult Learning Disability
- Adult Safeguarding
- Audiology and Hearing Aid Services
- Autism Services
- C
- Cancer Services
- Chaplaincy Services
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
- Child Protection / Gateway Service
- Children with Disabilities
- Children’s Acquired Brain Injury Consultation Service
- Community Access Service
- Community Dental Services
- Community Support Worker
- Community/District Nursing
- Condition Management Programme (CMP)
- Continence Service
- D
- Day Care (Older People’s Services)
- Diabetes
- Dietitians
- Domestic Abuse
- Domiciliary Care / Home Help Service
- P
- Paediatric Feeding Service
- Paediatric Speech and Language Therapy
- Palliative Care
- Perinatal Mental Health Team
- Physical Disability Service
- Physiotherapy
- Podiatrists
- Post COVID-19 Syndrome Multidisciplinary Assessment Team
- Primary Care Multi-Disciplinary Team
- R
- Radiology
- Recovery College
- Renal
- Respiratory and Sleep Investigations
- RISE NI (Regional Integrated Support for Education in N.Ireland)